Established in February 1993 we are an ISO9001:2015 and Achilles Building Confidence accredited company based in the UK.

Our objective is to provide our specialist cladding service in a safe and constructive manner with the aim of achieving our zero defect goal. This is in return for fair play and fair pay on contracts ensuring profitability, sustained management resource and steady growth of the Company.


Our Company's sustained growth is achievable by continued working relations with Blue Chip clients and professional bodies,
in activities/trades where we excel and in locations where we can best be competitive.


We identify our Business Sector as being the new construction of industrial, commercial, retail and leisure envelopes in Green/Brown field sites around the mainland UK. Importance is placed on the newer upcoming trend of large distribution warehouses on a fast track construction sequence.


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© Northern Cladding Limited, est in 1993